Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Be Kind

I usually do not do New Year resolutions, but for 2014 I am determined to keep up with posts.  Thank goodness for Thanksgiving break because it gave me the opportunity to regroup and to be quite honest, I really think the kids needed it too.  This week has been the least hectic week I've had all year and I finally feel like I can cross some things off my list.  With that being said, I am happy to say that we ended our hectic days before Thanksgiving with one of the best events I've had the opportunity to be a part of.  We held our first Be Kind breakfast that honored 20 kind students at our school.  Over the summer, our two AWESOME art teachers approached my fellow counselor, social worker and me about a grant they were writing to support this Be Kind initiative.  Of course, without hearing about what it was all about, I was thinking to myself "Of course I will take part! Anything to improve school climate and spread kindness throughout school and our community." But, I patiently waited to hear what they had to say and then jumped on board.

Last year, our art teachers had worked with the Ben's Bells chapter in Newtown in creating beads for Ben's Bells.  Ben's Bells was originated by Jeanette who lost a son in 2002 on a day that was like any other day.  The therapeutic effects of working with clay and random acts of kindness by strangers who had no idea what they were going through helped them through their healing and in turn the idea of Ben's Bells formed.  On the anniversary of thier son Ben's death, hundreds of bells made out of clay were distributed throughout the community with a message to take the bell home and pass on the kindness.  There are now numerous Ben's Bells chapters around the coutnry and we are fortunate to have one near us.  Ben's Bells has grown and has a studio that is open for people to come in and paint and create parts of a bell.  A finished bell has been through the hands of many wanting to pass on kindness.  These bells are dispersed throughout the community and I hope one day to be lucky enough to come across one for my keeping.

Ben's Bells also works with schools to provide innovative, outreach programs.  This year we implemented the kindness program into our school.  Our art teachers have created Be Kind slips and our Be Kind box in the office that matches the Be Kind symbol below.

When teachers, administrators and faculty members catch a student being kind, the student is given a Be Kind slip to bring down to the office and put in our Be Kind box.  The Be Kind slip says who's caught them, and what kind action he or she did.  Each quarter we will randomly select 20 students to be invited to our Be Kind quarterly breakfast.  Our first breakfast was a huge success.  We had three chefs making personalized omelets, belgium waffles with various toppings and other hot breakfast items.  Along with the 20 students, we had parents, administration, numerous people from the Board of Education, the Assistant Superintendent and the Superintendent.  It was a fantastic event and I was very proud of our students for stepping up, doing the right thing and being kind! At the end of our breakfast all of our students and district guests received kindness coins.  If they see a student or adult being kind, they are to pass the beautifully decorated Be Kind coin along. Our hope is not only to spread kindness within our building but to eventually spread the kindness and coins throughout the community!  The best part is that there was a buzz around school after the breakfast of students inquiring what that awesome breakfast was all about.  Some were asking how they can be a part of it and how often it happens! This is exactly what we wanted :)

I can't wait for our second Be Kind breakfast event! Next time I will take pictures to post.  Remember to spread kindness.  

Please follow @falconbekind to see anonymous messages retweeted by me of students being kind in school!  Using social media in a positive way! 

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. 

~ Aesop